WCI's Connections: Our Brains on Bias

Join us for our next Connections event where we will explore how our brain is hardwired toward bias. That’s right, our brains are naturally conditioned to be biased!  So what does that mean for a diverse and inclusive world?  We’ll look at the research of Standford Social Psychologist Jennifer Eberhardt and discuss why bias happens and how we can overcome our brains natural tendencies so that we are experiencing the full joy of being part of a world full of differences! 

Take a peek at this video where Jennifer explains this tendency to bias. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD5a3-v9KZs&list=PLynnNYWbZL3TjUui4ADmt8rfslMveRKij 

Then join us on Wednesday, February 22 at 5 p.m. via zoom to engage in an informal conversation about this! To get the link and learn more, email Sue Hedtk skhedtke@gmail.com