Are Human Rights Thriving in North Dakota?

Sadness can become Resolve.
Pain can become Action.
Outrage can become Hope.

ND Human Rights Coalition Grand Forks Chapter stands in opposition to hate, extremism and any movement that attacks democracy and liberty. Regardless of the underlying ”ism,” hate is hate and it is unacceptable to target a person or group for inherent characteristics such as race, gender, identity, or religion. Extremism is a growing area of concern in North Dakota.

Our Mission

Welcome to NDHRC, where we strive to empower individuals and organizations to become effective advocates for human rights. Our mission is to promote and protect human rights, supporting those who have been marginalized and working towards fostering a more inclusive and just society. Join us in creating a world where everyone's rights are respected and upheld.

Our Coalition is… a community acting from intention and purpose.

Our Coalition has… a foundation of shared values concerning justice, equity and inclusion.

Our Coalition wants… a state and a world where the fundamental rights of all beings are respected and supported in law and in practice.

Our Coalition needs… membership made up of compassionate people and organizations who care about the health of North Dakota’s land and its people.

Our Coalitions envisions… achieving a voice powerful enough to be heard by all.

What We Do

  • Monitor bills introduced in the ND Legislature

  • Take a stand on key legislation through testimony, outreach by members, and social media

  • Receive and log reports of hate actions, discrimination complaints, and other information, and determine if additional Coalition action is appropriate

  • Monitor national issues for their impacts on the people of North Dakota, such as refugee rights, tribal sovereignty or the rollback of established rights

  • Coordinate and promote summits, trainings, speakers, and other educational forums on the many aspects of human rights work

  • Serve as the primary sponsor and home for the annual LGBTQ+ summit, the Human Rights Summit and the Arc of Justice Awards

You are invited to join the ND Human Rights Coalition and local human rights advocates at The 701, 33 South 3rd St., Grand Forks, ND the second Saturday of each month, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Join us as we connect and organize to create a better community through furthering human rights.

Refugee Settlement Update

We welcome you to join us for an update on refugee resettlement. We will share the impact of recent changes to our work, and how you can help support Global Friends and newcomers during these uncertain times.  Church World Service, of which we are an affiliate, is passing on information to us as they learn the impacts of federal funding on refugee resettlement. We will share as much as possible. 

Music provided by Ron Franz  |  Appetizers will be available

Changing Lives

Thank you Family of God for partnering with North Country Food Bank to help save hunger!

The warmth of your generosity has been felt by families and individuals all across northwest and central Minnesota. You helped them even though you will probably never meet them, and they will never be able to tell you how much they appreciate you.

On behalf of the children, seniors, and families nourished by your support, thank you. We hope you feel their heartfelt love and appreciation.


The annual East Grand Forks Music Booster fundraiser Spud-Tacular will be held on Monday, March 3, 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the East Grand Forks Senior High School gym and cafeteria. Enjoy student performances throughout the evening. Free will donation for potato bar. Pies sold by the slice and themed raffle baskets and baked goods are also available. (Food served from 4:30 - 7 p.m.) Proceeds benefit the East Grand Forks music program.

Cancer Support Group

First meeting February 16, 2025

Have you been impacted
by any type of cancer?


Please join us at the
Cancer Support Group.

Share with people who understand what you’re going through in a comforting place to receive support, give strength and share. This will be an informal group which will not offer medical advice. Open to all cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, loved ones, and support people.

Meeting times are at 4:30 p.m. the third Sunday of the month at Family of God Church. For more information please contact Patrick and Rody Schultz at 701-203-6058 or Gretchen Graf at 218-791-8687.

Holiday Giving

11 different items were included in each bag for the homeless.

Our children in grades K-10 meet monthly to enjoy supper, games and a mission project.  We recently gathered together at the church and wrapped gifts for Valley Senior Living residents in pillow cases made by Family of God Crafters.  We also filled 24 bags of personal care items to be given through Homeless Helpers to those who are provided shelter in area hotels.

Social Workers Appreciation Luncheon

Wednesday Kids are proud of the great job they did decorating for the lunch to thank area social workers!

Family of God hosted an appreciation luncheon to say thanks to all the social workers in the community who support folks in crisis and help us share our Community Fund.  We served homemade soups and breads for a buffet lunch on Thursday, November 14 to 45 area social workers.

Ready to welcome social workers to lunch. We served 45 people and they said they felt appreciated.

LaGrave Appreciation Event

As we came to the end of our meal ministry at LaGrave, the folks planned great meals for a strong finish.  A closing celebration to thank all the volunteers who have made this project possible was held November 3, at LaGrave on First for all who have helped cook and serve meals over the 5+ years of this ministry.

Fall Afternoon Dance Series 2024

North Country Fiddle and Dance
Fall Afternoon Dance Series 2024

2:00 to 4:30 pm
East Grand Forks Senior Center  
538 Rhinehart Dr. S.E.

Saturday, October 26

Tickwood String Band
Caller : Jeanne O'Neil

Saturday, November 23

Leatherwood String Band
Caller : Jeanne O'Neil

Live Music!  All Join Hands! All ages; families, couples, singles; Reels, squares, circle mixers and more...   all dances are taught and easy to learn.

Saturday, December 7

Concert with The O'Neil Family Band
Christmas and Mid-Winter Carols and Songs- 2:00 to 3:00 pm 

at the door

Overcoming Racism Conference

Identifying concrete steps toward repairing the harm of racism

Welcome to the Overcoming Racism Conference!

Date: Friday, November 8, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. CST. Doors at 8 a.m.

Location: Northland Community College, 2022 Central Avenue Northwest, East Grand Forks, MN 56721

Registration: Open to the public. Tickets: $5 - Morning session; $5 - Afternoon session. Lunch included. Click link below or email

Join us for a day of insightful discussions and meaningful connections as we work together towards a more inclusive society. This event is a great opportunity to be part of the change we want to see in the world. Let's come together to create a brighter future for all!

Live Stream Speakers and Panel
8:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Pamela Ngunjiri is co-director of racial justice at the Minnesota Council of Churches and the current pastor if St, James AME Church in St. Paul, MN

James Bear Jacobs is the creator of Healing Minnesota Storiess, Minnesota Council of Churches, which is dedicated to sharing Native American voices.

Afternoon Speaker and Panel
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Linsey McMurrin, executive director of Peacemaker Resources, will discuss historical trauma and how it impacts our lives, our bodies and our relationships.

Scholarships and CEUs available.

Rise Up for Women's Rights

You're invited to our Rise Up For Women's Rights event on Saturday, October 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Archives Coffee House, 3012 University Avenue, Grand Forks, ND.

We're excited to energize and mobilize women for the upcoming election, especially around women's rights! Our hope is that the event creates community. as well as serves as an entry point to help out D18 & D42 in the last few weeks.

We'll have complimentary breakfast snacks & coffee, Planned Parenthood merch, postcards to encourage voting, build your own trucker hat, a legislative update, feminist art for purchase, and a few speeches from community leaders to get folks energized. We're looking forward to a great event!

Film Screening & DocuTalk

Empire Art Center, Downtown Grand Forks, ND

From director Dan Partland and producer Rob Reiner, GOD & COUNTRY looks at the implications of Christian Nationalism and how it distorts not only our constitutional republic, but Christianity itself. Featuring prominent Christian thought leaders, GOD & COUNTRY asks this question: What happens when a faith built on love, sacrifice, and forgiveness grows political tentacles, conflating power, money, and belief into hyper-nationalism?

Following the film, stay for DocuTalk: The Politicization of Christianity - a moderated thoughtful discussion by local faith leaders.


Dine and Dialogue

Y O U  A R E  I N V I T E D  T O  A 
N E I G H B O R H O O D  D I N N E R!

Saturday, September 7 and Saturday, October 5 from 6-8 p.m.
Northland Community and Technical College
2022 Central Ave. NE, East Grand Forks, MN.
Park in the south lot by Door .

Dine and Dialogue brings together neighbors to learn from each other and share ideas on making East Grand Forks a more welcoming community to all!


Global Friends Volunteers of the Year

Family of God, Lotus Meditation Center, Unitarian Universalists and Quakers (our Spiritual Mall folk) have been named Volunteer(s) of the Year for Global Friends.  We were recognized on Saturday, June 15 during the World Refugee Day program at Town Square.  A reception was held in their honor Thursday, June 20. Thank you to all who have worked hard to welcome refugees!

Victoria, Neil and Nell proudly display the Volunteer of the Year for Global Friends sign. They are a huge part of our mission of supporting refugee families resettling in the Greater Grand Forks community through Global Friends Coalition.

Global Friends welcomed these New American high school students to our community with the help of volunteers through education, mentorship, leadership, and community involvement opportunities.

Outstanding Rural Health Career

Brad Gibbens

Brad Gibbens, Family of God president, has been awarded the 2024 Rural and Public Health Outstanding Rural Health Career at the Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health in June. This award is presented to a healthcare professional who has devoted his/her career to making significant contributions to improving healthcare in rural North Dakota.

Brad is the acting director of the Center for Rural Health (CRH) at the University of North Dakota (UND) School of Medicine & Health Sciences and an assistant professor at the School of Medicine & Health Sciences.

Brad is also active in the state and nationally:

  • UND School of Medicine & Health Sciences, By-Laws Committee

  • National Rural Health Association, member (Statewide Health Constituency Group, Policy Congress)

  • National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health, former board member

  • North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp's Health Advisory Committee

  • Planning Committee of North Dakota Interim Health Reform Review Legislative Committee

Congratulations, Brad!

Whatever to Whoever

I think I was looking for some way to be hopeful.

Watching too much news on television can be bad for your health, and I was on my way to an unhealthy cynical side of life when I volunteered to Global Friends for whatever. I reasoned, I’m from the south. I know how to be welcoming and I can drive a car, so it seemed like a good match.

“My respect and admiration for Nell, Global Friends and their volunteers. They are an example to follow. I am sure that God already has a place in heaven for each of you, and I ask that here on earth He fills your lives with blessings and guides your path always.
- Claudia

Whatever is not what I found at Global Friends. Whoever is what I found: Claudia and Gabriel, a mom and little boy from El Salvador, who became my source of hope in spite of how messy the world continues to be.

They are my joy, showing heroic courage, as life changes drastically, and determination to make this change for the good of their futures. They are my joy, as they jump through hoops, scale mountains of paperwork, struggle with the English language, and find work. They are my joy, as they live in faith strong enough to hold them upright when loneliness is oppressive. They are my joy, when Gabriel plays soccer and Claudia learns to crochet. They are my joy, when I get to experience with them the first night of snowfall, the first birthdays away from the family who misses them terribly. And that joy translates into hope.

The network news is not the last word on the condition of the world. People are brave and strong and determined to live free and to be kind, honest and good. Claudia and Gabriel are called refugees by our government. New Americans by our culture, but I call them hope bearers. I get to hang around with them and they give me hope for our world. It is cliche to say we receive more than we give when we work as volunteers - but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

Because of the opportunity I have with Global Friends, my heart has grown, my calendar is full, and I have a new daughter and grandson. For that I am very thankful.

- Nell, a dedicated Global Friends volunteer

Your gift helps families build new lives in Grand Forks.
Click the link below to learn how!

Ernie's Place

Ernie’s Place is now open offering housing and support for youth and young adults trying to get a start in life.

Ernie’s Place, a transitional home for youth ages 18 to 24 who have aged out of foster care and who are homeless, aims to provide support for transitioning into independent living and permanent housing.

Ernie’s Place seeks to fill a gap in social services provided to the community by providing a place for people who are coming out of the foster care system and may need help getting on their feet. Multiple churches in the community have donated move-out kits, where it’s blankets, pots and pans, dishes and those kinds of things in preparation for when a person moves on from Ernie’s Place.

The house, located on the north side of Grand Forks, has six single-occupancy dormitory-style rooms and two one-bedroom apartments. The dorm-style rooms are for those with faster transitions and the apartments are for those who may need a longer stay, up to two years. Once a person leaves the facility, they’ll be able to have up to six months of case management services and be invited back to attend on-site skills classes.

Ernie’s Place is actively seeking donations. Click the link below for more information.

OWNED: A Tale of Two Americans

Thursday, April 18 | 6 - 9 p.m. | Empire Arts Center

Join the High Plains Fair Housing Center at the Empire Arts Center to explore the explore the rich history of fair housing in North Dakota. Learn about the organization's impact on the community and its efforts to promote fair housing practices. This event is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and gain valuable insights into the importance of fair housing for all. This event is free to the public, but registration is required.