Sadness can become Resolve.
Pain can become Action.
Outrage can become Hope.
ND Human Rights Coalition Grand Forks Chapter stands in opposition to hate, extremism and any movement that attacks democracy and liberty. Regardless of the underlying ”ism,” hate is hate and it is unacceptable to target a person or group for inherent characteristics such as race, gender, identity, or religion. Extremism is a growing area of concern in North Dakota.
Our Mission
Welcome to NDHRC, where we strive to empower individuals and organizations to become effective advocates for human rights. Our mission is to promote and protect human rights, supporting those who have been marginalized and working towards fostering a more inclusive and just society. Join us in creating a world where everyone's rights are respected and upheld.
Our Coalition is… a community acting from intention and purpose.
Our Coalition has… a foundation of shared values concerning justice, equity and inclusion.
Our Coalition wants… a state and a world where the fundamental rights of all beings are respected and supported in law and in practice.
Our Coalition needs… membership made up of compassionate people and organizations who care about the health of North Dakota’s land and its people.
Our Coalitions envisions… achieving a voice powerful enough to be heard by all.
What We Do
Monitor bills introduced in the ND Legislature
Take a stand on key legislation through testimony, outreach by members, and social media
Receive and log reports of hate actions, discrimination complaints, and other information, and determine if additional Coalition action is appropriate
Monitor national issues for their impacts on the people of North Dakota, such as refugee rights, tribal sovereignty or the rollback of established rights
Coordinate and promote summits, trainings, speakers, and other educational forums on the many aspects of human rights work
Serve as the primary sponsor and home for the annual LGBTQ+ summit, the Human Rights Summit and the Arc of Justice Awards
You are invited to join the ND Human Rights Coalition and local human rights advocates at The 701, 33 South 3rd St., Grand Forks, ND the second Saturday of each month, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Join us as we connect and organize to create a better community through furthering human rights.