Honey Sunday

Honey Sunday supports the residential treatment and educational programs at Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. On October 9, Family of God will observe Honey Sunday for 2022. You’ll receive an order form and have the chance to make a donation to Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch (suggested donation $10 per bottle of honey). Your honey will come in the mail within a few weeks. Purchase a bottle of honey to change the life of a child.

Honey has been called “nature’s perfect food,” because it never goes bad. It may crystallize. But put a jar of crystallized honey into a pan of warm water . . . and slowly it’s transformed, returning to golden, smooth perfection. Boys and girls at the Ranch are a lot like that honey—hardened by their tough experiences. For some of our kids, the Ranch is the first place they’ve had their own bed, celebrated their birthday, or had anyone really listen to their deepest pains and fears.