Give now to help children facing hunger this weekend.

Imagine not having anything to eat this weekend. That’s Friday night to Monday morning.

It’s a long time, isn’t it? It’s an even longer time for a child to go hungry. Sadly, that’s the reality for thousands of kids in northwest and west central Minnesota relying on school-provided breakfast and lunches during the week.

Sky-high food and living costs have made well-stocked kitchens a thing of the past for many of our neighbors. Parents skip meals and make tough choices to survive, but it’s not always enough to keep their children from going hungry over the weekend.

Every $5 you give can provide families with a backpack filled with nutritious food that will last an entire weekend.

Help Provide Backpacks Filled with Food

Right now, there are thousands of children in our community facing hunger, and not enough backpacks to go around. Your support is needed to fill as many backpacks as possible — and keep kids from going hungry over the weekend.

Please make a generous gift today… because hunger doesn’t take a break on the weekend.