Planet vs. Plastic

April 22 is Earth Day

“The Planet vs. Plastics campaign is a call to arms, a demand that we act now to end the scourge of plastics and safeguard the health of every living being upon our planet.  

The word environment means what surrounds you. In the case of plastics we have become the product itself – it flows through our blood stream, adheres to our internal organs, and carries with it heavy metals known to cause cancer and disease. Now this once-thought amazing and useful product has become something else, and our health and that of all other living creatures hangs in the balance,” said Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG. “The Planet vs. Plastics campaign is a call to arms, a demand that we act now to end the scourge of plastics and safeguard the health of every living being upon our planet.”

Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG.

Community Connections

A panel to meet our LGBTQ+ neighbors

Join us on Thursday, April 4 for an evening of stories from our LGBTQIA+ neighbors and leaders within the Greater Grand Forks community! Enjoy refreshments and a time to connect at 6:30 p.m., followed by the panel beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of United Lutheran Church. This event is hosted in collaboration with United, Calvary, and Sharon Lutheran Churches of the ELCA of Grand Forks. The purpose of Community Connections is to uplift voices and hear how our local LGBTQ+ neighbors experience welcome, inclusion, and obstacles within our community. Guests will have a chance to ask questions to our panelists. Please note there will be no debate of scripture or room for any kind of discrimination. We invite you to enter United Lutheran through Door #1 or Door #2. There is access to an elevator at Door #2. Follow the signs downstairs to the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see you there!

ND Human Rights Summit

The fourteenth annual ND Human Rights Summit kicks off at 9 a.m., Saturday, April 13, at the Indigenous Association, 720 First Avenue North. The theme of this year's summit is: "Community and Human Rights: Uniting Voices". Your registration includes break beverages and snacks as well as a noon luncheon featuring Indian tacos and dessert.  The Arc of Justice Awards are scheduled at the close of the summit: 4 p.m., April 13, at the same location. 

An added feature this year: Taylor Brorby, a ND native and author of "Boys and Oil: Growing up Gay in a Fractured Land" will be on the campus of NDSU on Friday April 12! We are excited to be able to collaborate with NDSU on this great event. There will be a public presentation free and open to the public at 7 p.m. in the Union theater, followed by a meet the author reception. Taylor's books will be available for sale and available for autograph.

Widow/Widowers Support Group

The Widow/Widowers Support Group assists people who have lost a spouse through death deal with the changes in their lives.  It is a spiritually centered, interdenominational group with presentations by area clergy and a time for small group discussion.  Sessions are free and registration is not required.  The next session begins Monday, March 25 and meets Mondays, 7-9 p.m., for six weeks at Calvary Lutheran Church.  For more information call Phyllis at 701-775-7444 or Diane at 701-739-3310.

Grief Care Support Group

Grief Care is a support group offered by Ethos Hospice that provides the opportunity to meet in a caring and safe environment to learn about your grief and connect with others who share a common bond. Grief Care is for anyone 18 years and older who has experienced the loss of a loved one through death. They meet the first Thursday of each month, 1-2:30 p.m. at Ethos Home Care and Hospice, 4491 South Washington, Suite A, Grand Forks.


The annual East Grand Forks Music Booster fundraiser Spud-Tacular will be held on Monday, March 3, 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the East Grand Forks Senior High School gym and cafeteria. Enjoy student performances throughout the evening. Free will donation for potato bar. Pies sold by the slice and themed raffle baskets and baked goods are also available. (Food served from 4:30 - 7 p.m.) Proceeds benefit the East Grand Forks music program.

Religion and Science Sunday 2024

On February 18, Family of God will be celebrating Religion and Science Sunday 2024. This annual event is recognized by people of many faiths and honors the ways religion and science complement each other.

This year's theme is "Religion, Science, and the Common Good." Tyler Bublitz, Youth Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Bemidji, will be our guest preacher that day. Tyler has a regular podcast about Religion and Science. He's also a member of A Community Called Grace, the experimental ministry for youngish adults in Bemidji which we have supported with a small gift.

Please join us at 10 a.m. during our worship service.

Annual Fill The Tote

Each fall Family of God Church joins in the Fill the Tote project which provides back-up clothing to area Minnesota school children. Cindy picked up a full tote for area children who need something dry in winter weather. We’re happy to support area schools in this way each fall.

Sole Hope Fundraiser

Every child deserves the freedom to run, dance, slide and swing without any hinderance. Foot parasites should never rob them of their joy and playfulness. Treating infections shouldn’t prevent children from simply being children.

Sole Hope was founded in 2010 with a mission to address the devastating issue of jigger infestations. More than 1 billion individuals worldwide are affected by these painful parasites, and since our establishment, we have been dedicated to eradicating this problem. Through the invaluable support of generous individuals like yourself, we are making remarkable progress in our journey each day.

Mendenhall Presbyterian Church in East Grand Forks is hosting a Sole Hope Fundraiser. Enjoy an evening of musical performances by area musicians, raffle baskets, and a delicious meal sponsored by Chino Latino & Steers.

Tickets may be purchased in person at Mendenhall, via Facebook event or by texting 701-248-0227. Advance tickets: Adults $15, Children (age 3-10) $5; Tickets at door: Adults $17, Children (age 3-10) $7

Saturday, September 30, 2023
5:30 - 6:30 Supper
6:15 - 7:45 p.m. Musical Performances
Mendenhall Presbyterian Church
528 10th St NW, East Grand Forks, MN

Fill the Totes

It’s time to collect winter wear for area Minnesota schools.  Bring any of the listed items during September and October to “fill the tote” in the entryway of Family of God.  If you prefer to make a financial gift, please mark it “fill the totes” and it will be used to purchase waterproof mittens.

Here’s what’s needed:

  • waterproof mittens (size medium & large)

  • warm hats

  • unisex black sweat pants or stretch pants (sizes 3-10)

  • black socks (sizes 0-10)

  • boys & girls underwear (sizes 3-10)

The schools that are impacted are New Heights and South Point Elementary in East Grand Forks, Riverside Christian School, Fisher & Climax Elementary, and Warren Elementary.

Thank you for helping keep our kids warm and dry!

Synod Road Trip '23

The Northwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA is coming to you! Mark your calendars now for Thursday, September 21 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 145 South State Street, McIntosh, MN.

We will give you an update on all that is happening in and throughout the synod, share and listen to local conference-specific information, discuss how your mission support is being stewarded, and enjoy time together over food and conversation while building intentional relationships. We look forward to being in your neck of the woods.


5:15 PM - 5:55 PM:  Registration

5:30 PM: Meal Served

6:00 PM: Road Trip Content Begins

  • Devotion

  • Synod Updates

  • Hear Conference specific Updates 

  • Q&A Time

7:30 PM: Sending Blessing 

2023 Pride Week in the Grand Cities

The Grand Cities will celebrate PRIDE the last week in August. Family of God will have a booth at the PRIDE in the Park on Saturday. We are sponsoring (and cooking/serving) the BBQ Saturday starting at 5:30 at Archives Coffee House (on UND campus) and hosting a special PRIDE worship service on Sunday.

Here’s a list of events for your planning (schedule subject to change):

  • Monday, August 21
    4:30 p.m. - PRIDE 101 presentation at Archives
    Merie Kirby and friends explain what we need to know to be a supportive ally.

  • Tuesday, August 22
    7 p.m. - Movie Night (The Wizard of Oz)

  • Wednesday, August 23
    7 p.m. - Pride Bowling at Red Ray Lanes

  • Thursday, August 24
    4-8 p.m. PRIDE Crafting at Memorial Union
    6:30 p.m. - PRIDE Youth Event at Calvary Lutheran

  • Friday, August 25
    5:30 p.m. - BBQ at Archives (FOG and PFLAG sponsors)
    7 p.m. - Open Mic at Archives (with Katie Wirsing)

  • Saturday, August 26
    10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - PRIDE in the Park at Pillsbury Park
    6 p.m. - Roller Derby

  • Sunday, August 27
    PRIDE worship in area churches:
    10 a.m. Family of God Church, East Grand Forks
    10:30 a.m. Christus Rex Lutheran Center, Grand Forks
    12 p.m. PRIDE Brunch & Celebration at Archives
    1 p.m. PRIDE Fairy Bingo at Archives
    5:30 p.m.  PRIDE Trivia at Memorial Union

Refugees welcomed to Grand Forks

Refugee Welcome Boxes

Family of God helped Global Friends welcomed a family of 4 from Columbia, South America, to Grand Forks in a big way! We collected items to furnish their apartment with lots of extras for new families arriving soon.  Boxes contain furnishings and household items as well as cleaning supplies and hygiene supplies. 

FOG recognized with Gold Leaf

Valley Senior Living Foundation recognized Family of God Church on May 10 at their Spring Tree of Life Luncheon. A Gold Leaf will be displayed with their name on the Tree of Life at Valley Senior living on Columbia in recognition of over $2,500 in cumulative gifts. Thank you to all have participated in reaching this milestone!

Quilt represents “something positive out of something that wasn’t”

450 unused covid masks were repurposed into a quilt that represents a nice piece of history. Many volunteers donated masks to Valley Senior Living at the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020 when personal protective equipment was scarce.

Valley Senior Living reach out to the crafters at Family of God Church and they created a unique, one-of-a-kind heirloom. Pastor Gretchen Graf, Kim Cariveau, Patti Medal, Nancy Robison and Victoria Swift turned the masks in a 65 x 87 inch quilt that was raffled at the Valley Senior Living’s “Around Our Table” fundraising event. The quilt raised $1,140 for Chaplaincy Ministry program!

You can read the full story in the Grand Forks Herald.

Reunited after 12 Years!

In conjunction with Grand Forks Head Start and extreme generosity and kindness from Family of God Church, a mother and son have been reunited after 12 long years apart. He arrived safely stateside from Africa and has meet his half siblings and stepfather.

Your donations have forever changed this family’s life for the better. They are eternally grateful. Thank you so very much!